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Mastering Landscape Photography: The Luminous Landscape Essays
A Book Review and Results:
For the serious Landscape Photographer there is a grail to find and chase...It
is not the Golden Hour as many go on about, but the golden 15 minutes at Sunrise
and Sunset that lay the foundation for stunning images...The Grail of capturing
Lemon, Orange and Purple in one lurid desert image is only possible during this
magical time...The Luminous Landscape will help with the logistics of this most
difficult assignment. Pre shot reconnaissance, sky chart and map drawings for
sun angles, sun rise and set times, test shots and a 3 day shooting window is
all that is required for that take home shot everyone will envy. LL will help
bring it home. (
Look at any magical photo in print and chances are it was taken at Sunrise or Sunset.
The time of the Luminous Landscape...
All Alone in Jasper Alberta
52.811742, -118.036221
A 3:00 AM get up alarm and half hour drive during high Summer...The only problem?
It was 18 degrees F. That is just one of the challenges in capturing
The Luminous Landscape...To get this photo required, test shots and 2 days of travel in Jasper National Park to find the likely candidate...1st morning out had no sunrise and snow...Back to the lodge...The next day was clear and cold, but perfect for capturing Jasper's beauty.
Looking Towards the Home of the Manitou...
52.728668, -117.637931
An ancient wreck of a light house on Lake Michigan after a gray day of rain and solid clouds...Let's just go out and see?
After the Storm and In the Water to my Knees!
45.055239, -87.088962
After a lifetime in heavy industry with too much noise and way too many folks at every turn, the solitude of nature at Sunrise and Sunset, when no one else is out and about has its own reward. Leopold, Muir, Thoreau & Abbey's words are guides and the palette of the lens the window on Gaia's wonder...
Spider Woman's Home...She Brought Weaving to the Navajo
36.114250, -109.437782
The Luminous Landscape Essays are not a magic' how to' and like any thing worth doing, there is an exceptional amount of work involved in imaging this most captivating time...
I have found that only the last or first 15 minutes of sunlight is the true window on the Luminous Landscape...A thing worth doing just for the sake of it. 5 stars...
Landscape of Legend
36.980539, -110.094193