For my ETSY Customers: See
The Light from the
Andromeda Galaxy left there at the start of the Pleistocene, two and one half
million years ago…
The beginning of the great grinding planetary trials by
ice and fire for Gaia…Cycles of wild climactic variability that have tested our
kind so hard, we have been left with only rumors and myth. A vast span of experience
with no real memory or continuity of history.
Science is only now starting to unravel the mysteries.
The fantastic mysteries in Astronomy & Ecology always
help me keep things in perspective…
The Imaginarium team on ETSY held a contest a while back,
called ‘Born in the Wrong Century’…As a Maker, Craftsperson, I have always felt that I was born 10 centuries too late to
fit in, but in light of recent scientific discoveries, perhaps it was 10
centuries too soon…
Like Merlin, who traveled backwards through time…Born in
the wrong century…yep… That’s the genesis of the cycle in my Tolkien-esque Imaginarium
From the Imaginarium:
There was a time, when every piece of fabric was hand spun…That time will come
Every sail on every ship…Every garment…The tents that kept out the night, hand
spun all.
The spindle in all its forms is one of the oldest tools. It will probably be
with us at the end of all things.
When, every sail on every ship…Every garment…The tents that keep out the night,
will be once again, hand spun all.