Sunday, October 28, 2012

Et in Arcadia ego
Follow Autumn's Red Lanterns
 A new video illustrating the use of the Russian spindle is up on You Tube.
The compromise Russians that I make have been very popular and are used
by folks that make long trips on busses and trains. The spindles are very compact and portable and by practice, all of the action stays close to your personal space.

An Ancient Tool Form

 As a veteran festival craftsman, my inspiration & muse is derived from Tolkien’s vision of rural England during Victorian times and his nostalgia for fabled lost Arcadia

 My heirloom items are handmade, recycled, rescued, repurposed & lovingly crafted and finished. A Maker knows that Arcadia is not lost...
Arcadia Reclaimed

 You Tube, certainly opens up a new world for the traditional crafts & my videos are a way of giving back some of the things I have learned. A convergent synthesis seems to be evolving on the craft spaces within You Tube…and the Maker community is sharing an ever rising instructional set of tools for Journeyperson Makers and those that dream of becoming…

 Through You Tube, Navajo craftsperson, Clara Sherman helped me learn the principles of the use and to deduce the construction of this wonderful form of spinning wheel. Though her hands are now still, her voice and gentle native wisdom still speaks… &

Recently, Greasemoth's wonderful & amazing time lapse of her use of the Navajo Spindle added to the ability to understand how to utilize this fascinating wheel type…The thing I find fascinating about the time lapses, hers, mine and others, are the long cycle cadences of motion that are not apparent in real time. Good job Coral!

Who says that we cannot reach the Shire or Fabled Arcadia? That it is not real…Not me, not Coral & certainly not Clara who never left…
Aldo Loved the Autumn...