Monday, November 26, 2012

Music and Making:
An Interlude from:
Use the poets name: 'Frost', for a special discount through the holidays on our ETSY site:

Almost everyone that comes through our studios always and dependably will ask, “What are you listening to”?
Autumn Slumber in 1000NM IR: A perfect companion to an Ambient Groove

 Making is a transcendent experience to me and the “Maker Zone”, where hours pass by in the blink of an eye, are the “raison d'etre” or “Reason to be”…

 Leonardo wrote about it, as did Durer…The mystical landscape of the mind where certain triggers alter the very flow of time…
Source of a thousand woodcarvings...

Music, especially the more ethereal landscapes of the Space and Techno-Tribal artists are one of the tools that comprise enrty to “The Maker Zone”…
The woven flight of the lampyridae weave an Ambient Symphony of light
 Select Ambient Artists for Makers include:

John Serrie….Premiere Space Music Artist:
try, Planetary Chronicles 1 and 2
Steve Roach…Tribal Ambient Projekt Master:
try, Western Spaces or Kiva, recorded with Hopi Elders…
Anything from the Spotted Peccary Label:
try, When Thunder Sleeps…
All of the Between Interval discs are very unusual ambient journeys…
Coyote Oldman was way ahead of the Ambient curve
try Thunder Chord or Tear of the Moon…
Ambient Light is a Similar Wavelength