Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Musical Interlude: Symphonies of the Planets:
A Hard to find set, available on EBAY
TheImaginariumForge, is the ETSY Shop BLOG of TheDancingGoats…

Just listed and priced to sell, this hard to find set of CD's records what the
Voyager Mission heard on its way through the Sol's Helioshpere...
They are at the edge of the Sol system now...

These discs always trigger time flow changes for me while Making...A Gateway of sorts to the realm of the mind that Leonardo & Durer both wrote about. When hours go by, in the blink of an eye.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tolkien The Master: Megaloceros Giganteus in The Hobbit
TheImaginariumForge, is the ETSY Shop BLOG of TheDancingGoats…

Tolkien’s stories amalgamate the lore of the West in an amazing and powerful mix.

None so strong as the subtle portrayal of creatures that shared our world but now are gone.

Jackson’s, Megaloceros giganteus or the extinct Irish Elk, was the animal on which The King of the Wood Elves rode in The Hobbit. He was also known as The Stag of the Hunt and is my Avatar on ETSY... He has graced my mantle for a decade.

We knew them. The Cave Painters of Lascaux illustrated them in the most striking way…

TheDancingGoats ETSY Avatar

Deep time: Tolkien understood it and his personal letters describe his efforts to retell the story of the west in deep prehistory.

An Imaginarium Forge Library recommended title:

The Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion,
a definitive source for detailed study of JRRT’s sources of inspiration and still available.

The Stag of the Hunt Mantle

A few of my favorite LOTR lore castings & why LOTR has such power:
Théoden’s end before the walls of Minas Tirith? Theodoric King of the Visigoths, defeater of Atilla died in 451 trampled by his own horse and men.
Treebeard the Ent and the deep lore associated with Tree Spirits in Western and Northern Europe…The original inspiration for hundreds of my woodcarvings.
Trolls under a bridge? Our extinct and silent relatives, the Neanderthals’
Memory of a Thousand Seasons

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Craft 1st Principles: Learn to Tie the Reef or Square Knot and the Sheet Bend or Weavers Knot...

Watch our new Video on You Tube:
All Photography is Copyright TheDancingGoats...

TheImaginariumForge, is the ETSY Shop BLOG of TheDancingGoats…

The Square Knot is the knot that everyone knows how to tie.
The Sheet Bend is the knot that everyone should know how to tie.
Watch our new lesson to see the subtle but important mechanical difference between these two essential knots.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Watch Coral's New Time Lapse Video with the Russian Spindle on You Tube:
TheImaginariumForge, is the ETSY Shop BLOG of TheDancingGoats…
Another excellent Time Lapse Video has been posted by fellow ETSY'ian, Coral of
Greasemoth Fiber Arts. But this one is extra special...She is using a Compromise Russian
Spindle from TheDancingGoats...Great music choice.
Watch her video to see how this spindle can make a lot of fiber in a short amount of time.
Ancient Tool Forms with a Twist that make a Twist...
Hooked Russian Spindles from TheDancingGoats ETSY Store
My support spindles are made using ancient tool form examples and the hook is added to facilitate ease of use. The hook perfectly centers the fiber and they spin for a long time. The hook is not just screwed into the spindle, I use modern adhesives and the hook becomes part of the spindle when the epoxy resins harden...Made to look like the old ones, but work in a new way.
Compromise Russian & French Spindle Forms

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Craft 1st Principles: Learn to use the 'Compromise Southwest Support Spindle'...

Watch our new Video on You Tube:
All Photography is Copyright TheDancingGoats...

TheImaginariumForge, is the ETSY Shop BLOG of TheDancingGoats…
Festival Spindles
Southwest & Tibetan Support Spindles
The Compromise Southwest Spindle is inspired by the traditional Navajo Spindle, but the big difference in my spindles are the hooks. They are not a traditional element, but they do make these spindles easy to use. The Traditional Navajo Spindle has a point just like a great wheel and it performs the same function as the flicking point…
My customers like them and this spindle form will hold a lot of fiber…
Spider Rock Home of Spider Woman Who Taught the Dine to Weave

The Crownpoint Rug Auction is an event not to miss...
Buy a rug at the source from the Navajo Weavers...
The Turquoise Mountain, The Sacred Southern Boundary to Dinetah
Part of my 'Spindles of the World' series...A magical spindle from an enchanted place...

Monday, February 4, 2013

Craft 1st Principles: Learn to use the 'Compromise Tibetan Support Spindle'...

Watch our new Video on You Tube:
All Photography is Copyright TheDancingGoats...

TheImaginariumForge, is the ETSY Shop BLOG of TheDancingGoats…
Compromise Tibetan Support Spindle
From 'The Spindles of the World' class, the Tibetan Spindle is the common name for the Low Whorl Support Spindle. In early Archaeological texts, this spindle form shows up in lots of different whorls styles and lots of cultures from all over the world. It is a Compromise, due to the hook. The Hook makes this spindle form very easy to learn.
Easy to use...
A Floor Bowl from TheDancingGoats
These 1st principle lessons serve as a prep, a reminder & practice for classes that teach more complex practices...
We feature 'Gentle Instruction' in the Northern Folk School Style, that I Like to call,
"Watch, Learn & Do" & Our learning experience features "A Watercourse Way" or "Pathway" to becoming a Maker, not "The Way"...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hyper Stereo Pairs:
Exploration of Exceptional Depth of Field
Fouquieria splendens at Carlsbad Caverns in Smilodon Vision

 TheImaginariumForge, is the ETSY Shop BLOG of TheDancingGoats…

On the Chihuahuan Desert
Ocotillo cover in the Desert

Hyper Stereo Pair, taken with a thunderstorm in the distance.
12 inches of separation is the 'Interaxial' base or distance between the eyes for this image.
The Smilodon was a huge predator of the Ice Age and some of them
got up to 800 pounds...This is my interpretation of what their
Hyper Vision might have produced...Exceptional Depth of Field...
Hyper Stereo requires a Longer baseline for enhanced 3D.
The Carlsbad Stereo Pair was taken with a Sony A350...
Click the image and size it so that it takes up the full width of your screen.
Cross your eyes till 3 images appear...Concentrate on the one in the middle and focus.
Try having your eyes about the same distance from your monitor as it is wide...