Thursday, January 23, 2014

Spinning: Plying with the Support Spindle

Watch our new Videos on You Tube:
Images and Photography: Copyright TheDancingGoats...
TheImaginariumForge, is the ETSY Shop BLOG of TheDancingGoats…
When it is -15 degrees...It's time to catch up on making some Folk Ways lessons.
Winter's Cloak and the Road Less Traveled by...
 Plying with the Supported Spindle is our newest YT and one that has been requested often.
Spindles & Bowls at FIBER U!
The Spindles of the World class I teach is very popular and the bottom whorl support spindle is the easiest to learn and master for singles and plying.
My Hand Turned Spindles
All that is required to make the hand spun in the photo is a Tibetan Spindle or any of the supported spindles and a Nostepinne...A small bag, these tools, some roving and any spot will do for hours of Making...
Hand spun and over-dyed Shetland and Finnish Landrace Wool.